Registration for the Nursing program is now closed.

Registration opens {{vm.dateStart|date:"fullDate"}} and closes {{vm.dateEnd|date:"fullDate"}}
Note: Registration opens {{vm.dateStart|date:"fullDate"}} and closes {{vm.dateEnd|date:"fullDate"}}

You must apply to Northwest College and be accepted by the college before you can apply to and be accepted into the Nursing Program.

If applicant has not attended Northwest College, they first need to apply to Northwest College and be accepted. If student is a previous student, but not currently taking courses will need to contact the NWC Admissions office to re-activate their student status. Students currently enrolled at Northwest College will not need to do anything further for this admissions criteria.

To submit this form, you must upload your TEAS test score (for students entering the first semester of the nursing program) or HESI test score (for Advanced Placement entering Semester 3).

Letter of Intent {{vm.title}}

Student Information
Enter 7 digit Student ID or last 4 of SSN#
Must be 4 or 7 digits.
Birth date required.
Birth date must be in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Not a valid date!
Last Name required.
First Name required.
BirthName invalid.
Email required.
Email not valid.
Phone required.
Student Intent and Background
I intend to apply for the Northwest College Associate Degree Nursing Program that begins this semester.
ApplySemester required.
I will begin the Northwest College Associate Degree Nursing Program in this semester.
StartSemester required.
I have previously been enrolled in a School of Nursing.
PreviousEnroll required.
Name of School(s)
Previous Enroll Institution required.
Date left
Previous Enroll Date required.
Reason for leaving
Previous Enroll Reason Left required.
Required Application Checklist
Student required to upload HESI document.
Student required to upload TEAS document.
There is evidence on an official transcript of a Lab/science course taken within the last five (5) years.
Lab/Science Current required.
Currently enrolled in lab course required for application:
Lab Science Course Name required.
There is evidence on an official transcript of MATH 1000 Problem Solving or MATH 1400 College Algebra or higher level of math course taken within the last five (5) years.
OR, if MATH 1000 or MATH 1400 completed more than five (5) years ago, evidence of course completion AND a math placement test score (ALEKS or Accuplacer) indicating minimum proficiency at MATH 1000 or MATH 1400 level. Math placement exam must be taken within one (1) year of the application deadline.
Math Current required.
Upload ALEKS, Accuplacer or Compass placement test. Test date must be within 2 years.


Saving the request...

This shouldn't take long and you will be taken to a confirmation page when complete.
Form is not yet valid, please fill in all required fields.
{{line.$name}} required.
Birth date must be in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Email not valid.

NWC Contact

307.754.{{contact.EXTENSION}} {{contact.BUILDING}} {{contact.OFFICE}}