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Section: Employment at NWC

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At Northwest College we believe our faculty and staff are our most valuable and important resource. When the need for faculty or staff occurs, we look for people who have not only the required skills and experience but also the commitment to assist us in fulfilling our mission of education.

Our students, employees, and community deserve the highest quality educational experience and every employee at NWC plays an important role in assuring that quality. We believe that education requires a variety of perspectives and therefore our commitment to diversity is carried out in all our staffing processes.

Northwest College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution (EOE/EOI)

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Include links to these pages:
  • Student Jobs
  • Student Employment Success Information
  • Instructions/Conditions of Student Employment
  • Student Employee Statement of Understanding
  • Four Steps to the Student Hiring Process
Northwest College · 231 West 6th Street · Powell, Wyoming, 82435 USA · 307-754-6000