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6700 Facility Use

Facilities of the College have been constructed so that the College can effectively fulfill the purposes of the College as prescribed in the College Mission Statement and Strategic Plan. College facilities exist primarily for the purposes of instruction, academic support and extracurricular activities. It is the policy of the College, however, to make College facilities as accessible as possible for public service, provided that the facilities requested are available and that such use is consistent with the College’s primary purposes and with the terms and conditions stated in this document. The following priority order is established for the use of College facilities:

  • Instruction (credit and non-credit)
  • Academic support activities
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Public service

College facilities shall not, except by the expressed written authorization of the College President or designee, be used by individuals or groups for the following purposes:

  • Private, personal, or commercial interests operated primarily for profit
  • Sales, solicitation, advertising, or promotional activities
  • Political campaigning by or for candidates who have filed for public office or for ballot measures, unless placed into an educational format and under the sponsorship of (a) an academic department or (b) Student Senate or a Student Senate sanctioned student club/organization (Young Republicans, Young Democrats, etc.)

The College reserves the right to impose such requirements on the use of College facilities as it may deem necessary and reasonable, and reserves the right to reassign, substitute or, in the case of emergency, cancel use of facilities in the best interest of the College.

Failure of an internal or external user to comply with the provisions of this policy may, at the College’s discretion, result in a loss of privileges to use College facilities in the future.