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4520 Alcohol and Drug Policies

Alcohol Policy
Northwest College is an alcohol-free campus. Regardless of age, you are in violation of Northwest College’s alcohol policy:

if you are on college property and found in the immediate area where alcohol is present, whether consuming it or not.
if you are on college property and under the influence of alcohol and/or exhibiting intoxicated behavior.
if you are on college property and have alcohol in your possession.

It is a violation of Northwest College’s alcohol policy if you are at an off-campus, college-sponsored event, while under the legal drinking age and:

in possession of alcohol.
under the influence and/or exhibiting intoxicated behavior.

Drug Policy
The College is a drug-free campus. No student shall possess, consume or distribute controlled substances (except those lawfully prescribed by a medical provider to the possessing student and which are used as prescribed for the medical condition being treated) on the campus of the College, at college sponsored activities or on college sponsored trips. Controlled substances are defined by State of Wyoming statutes and federal laws. These include those categories often known as cannabis, acids, hallucinogens, barbiturates, amphetamines, narcotics or the illicit use of prescription drugs. Regardless of age, you are in violation of the College’s drug policy:

if you are on college property and found in the immediate area where drugs are present, whether having consumed (consuming)them or not.
if you are on college property and under the influence of drugs and/or exhibiting drug-related behavior.
if you are on college property and have drugs in your possession.

It is a violation of the College’s drug policy if you are at an off-campus, college-sponsored event, and:

in possession of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia.
under the influence of and/or exhibiting drug-related behavior.

Students are responsible for complying with provisions of Wyoming law that make it a crime to possess, sell, deliver or manufacture those drugs designated collectively as controlled substances. Any student who violates that law is subject to prosecution and punishment by the civil authorities and to disciplinary action by the college.


Revised and Adopted 06/04/2021