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1700 Public Records

I. Requests
The College has two types of public records requests: Routine Requests and Non-Routine Requests.

  1. Routine Requests
    The first type of public records request is one that is submitted by the requesting party for records that are incidental, readily accessible, or reproducible at negligible cost, and are typically available for general public distribution at no cost.
  2. Non-Routine Requests
    All other public records requests must be submitted in writing and shall be granted or denied in accordance with the Wyoming Public Records Act [W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-205]. 

    For non-routine requests, the requester must complete the Northwest College Public Records Request Form available in the office of the Vice President for Administrative Services and Finance. College employees shall respond to all legitimate requests that accompany a completed Northwest College Public Records Request form in a timely manner.

II. Fees
The College shall assess fees for expenses incurred over $200 including but not limited to copies and personnel time (e.g. time spent retrieving, compiling, sorting, redacting, reviewing, formatting, converting, or copying). 

The Vice President for Administrative Services and Finance, or designee, shall provide the requester with an estimate of fees. Fees shall be paid prior to processing a request. 

If incurred expenses exceed the paid estimate, the custodian shall:

    1. deliver records produced thus far and
    2. provide an additional estimate, which shall be paid prior to further processing.

If paid fees exceed incurred expenses, a refund shall be issued for the difference. 

III. Denial of Request
If a request is denied, in whole or part, the College shall provide the requester with a written response or reason for denial under the Wyoming Public Records Act.

Adopted 12/11/2017