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3620 Documents and Procedures Used for Evaluation

I. Faculty Self-Evaluation
The College requires a written self-evaluation of teaching effectiveness (see policy 3300 "Faculty Responsibilities"), academic service (see policy 3310 "Academic Service"), and professional development (see policy 3320 "Professional Development") by each faculty member standing for interim review, tenure, and/or promotion. The College places primary importance on excellence in teaching and support of student learning, and this subject should provide the primary focus of the self-evaluation.  Academic service and professional development are secondary though each area should receive significant attention.

The written self-evaluation about teaching is to include the following components:

  • Brief description of teaching responsibilities.
  • Statement of teaching philosophy and most-desired student-learning outcomes.
  • Description of teaching and student-learning assessment methods used, including a rationale for the selection of these methods (i.e., an explanation of why the methods are a positive means for reaching desired student outcomes).
  • Assessment of patterns of strengths and concerns in student evaluations.
  • Reflection on the teaching effectiveness observations made by the Division Chair.
  • Description of any course revisions and steps taken to improve one’s teaching effectiveness.
  • Additional evidence of good teaching.

The self-evaluation shall also include a discussion of the faculty member’s academic service and professional development activities. The self-evaluation shall reference the material in the Evaluative File as evidence to support teaching effectiveness, academic service, and professional development. (See policy 3630 "Rank and Tenure Process" which discusses preparation for an Evaluative File.)

II. Evaluation by Division Chair
In such cases where the faculty member under consideration for interim review, tenure, or promotion is a Division Chair, or the spouse of a Division Chair, the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall serve in the role of Division Chair for purposes of evaluation.

The author shall share the letter of evaluation with the faculty member who shall sign it to indicate that it has been reviewed. If the faculty member disagrees with the assessment made by the letter, the faculty member may write a letter of dissent which the assessor shall sign to indicate its review. Copies of the letter of dissent shall be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall place the letter in the faculty member’s Evaluative File.

  1. Probationary and Fixed-term Faculty
    At the beginning of each school year, the Division Chair and the faculty member shall agree upon the method of formal evaluation, in writing and signed by both parties. Should no agreement be reached, both parties shall confer with the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Should no agreement then be reached, all parties shall confer with the President who shall make the final decision. By October 15, a copy of this agreement shall be forwarded to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for inclusion in the faculty member’s Evaluative File. The evaluation shall include at least one classroom visit (by the Division Chair) per semester in the case of first-year faculty and at least once per year for other non-tenured faculty. Classroom visits shall be followed with a brief written summary of the observations and a meeting to discuss the observations. This written classroom summary is not placed in the faculty member’s Evaluative File.

    The Division Chair also shall meet with first-year and fixed-term faculty no later than the third week of their second semester of service to review the faculty member’s teaching performance. A review of available teaching evaluations and a discussion of observations shall serve as at least part of the focus of this discussion.

    The Division Chair shall write a yearly letter of evaluation that addresses the areas of teaching effectiveness (see policy 3300 "Faculty Responsibilities"), academic service (see policy 3310 "Academic Service"), and professional development (see policy 3320 "Professional Development"). This letter shall include a recommendation for reappointment or non-reappointment. This letter shall be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs with a copy to the President. This letter shall be signed by the Division Chair and include the faculty member’s signature acknowledging review of the letter. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall place the letter in the faculty member’s Evaluative File. Division Chairs shall provide the evaluation letters to the Vice President for Academic Affairs according to the schedule in Appendix L.

  2. Tenured Faculty
    Tenured faculty who seek promotion shall request evaluation by the Division Chair within a year prior to consideration for promotion. The faculty member shall give the Chair notice in sufficient time to allow for the evaluation. The Chair’s evaluation shall include at least one class observation.

    The Division Chair shall write a letter of evaluation that addresses the areas of teaching effectiveness (see policy 3300 "Faculty Responsibilities"), academic service (see policy 3310 "Academic Service"), and professional development (see policy 3320 "Professional Development"). Chairs shall indicate the extent to which they support the promotion request. By January 15, a copy of this letter shall be forwarded to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for inclusion in the faculty member’s Evaluative File.

  3. Nursing Faculty
    In the case of nursing faculty, the Division Chair shall defer to the Director of Nursing the primary responsibility for faculty development, performance review, retention, tenure, and promotion. The Director of Nursing shall provide the Division Chair with an evaluation of the faculty member’s performance in the three required areas. This assessment shall also address the quality of the faculty member’s working relationships with students, other Nursing faculty, and personnel from area clinical facilities. A copy of the Director of Nursing’s evaluation shall accompany the letter from the Chair when it is sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and President.

    Nursing faculty shall be evaluated on the criteria specified in policies 3300 "Faculty Responsibilities"3310 "Academic Service", and 3320 "Professional Development plus the requirements and guidelines specified in the Standards for Nursing Education Programs in the Rules and Regulations of the Wyoming State Board of Nursing.

  4. Special Requests Regarding Evaluation
    The faculty member, Division Chair, Director of Nursing, or Vice President for Academic Affairs may initiate faculty evaluations at any time. Letters of evaluation are to be received by the person requesting the evaluation within one month of the request. If the evaluation is initiated by the Division Chair, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, or the Director of Nursing, the letter of evaluation shall be placed in the faculty member’s Evaluative File.

III. Student Evaluations
The College shall evaluate the teaching effectiveness of all faculty on an annual basis, using a student evaluation format designed for both evaluative and developmental purposes. The faculty member, the Division Chair or Director of Nursing, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall receive copies of the student evaluations. The faculty member’s Evaluative File shall hold the Vice President for Academic Affairs copy. When the Academic Advisory Committee considers changes to student evaluation forms or procedures, the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall consult with the Student Senate as representatives of the student body.

  1. Selection of Student Evaluation Instrument
    The Rank and Tenure Committee shall review the current Student Evaluation form when necessary to make recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs concerning the method of student evaluation or revisions/additions to the student evaluation form. A division, department, or individual may propose to the Rank and Tenure Committee revisions or additions in the Divisional Questions portion of the Student Evaluation Instrument. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall consult with the Academic Advisory Council on the Rank and Tenure Committee’s recommendations before implementing changes to the method or form of student evaluations.

  2. Frequency of Student Evaluations
    During the first four years of a faculty member’s service, the College shall administer student evaluations to a minimum of three of the faculty member’s courses each semester. After four years of faculty service, the College shall administer student evaluations to a minimum of two courses each year.

  3. Administration of Student Evaluations
    The faculty member, in consultation with the Division Chair or the Director of Nursing, shall select the classes to be evaluated. The Vice President for Academic Affairs may select additional classes to be evaluated. Members of the clerical staff shall administer student evaluations under guidelines developed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Evaluations shall be administered after 70% of instructional time has taken place and prior to the final exam period.

  4. Discussion of Student Evaluation Results
    The faculty member shall formally discuss his or her student evaluation results with the Division Chair and/or the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

IV. Peer Evaluation of Service to the Division
Peer evaluation is an additional process by which the service of a faculty member to the division is assessed. Peer evaluation is required of all faculty standing for interim review, tenure, or promotion.

The Peer Evaluation Questionnaire (see Appendix H), as developed by the Rank and Tenure Committee in consultation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, shall be completed by six different faculty members from the candidate’s division. Three names shall be selected by the candidate and three by the Division Chair in such a manner as to avoid duplication of names. If a division has only five faculty members who can complete the questionnaire, then three faculty shall be identified by the Division Chair and two shall be identified by the faculty member.

The candidate and the Division Chair shall independently forward these names to the Vice President for Academic Affairs by October 1 for interim review and by November 10 (or as soon thereafter as possible) for tenure and promotion. (See Appendix G for the timetable for interim review, promotion, and tenure.) The Vice President for Academic Affairs office shall distribute the questionnaires and collect and compile the results. A single compilation of the survey ratings and comments shall be placed in the candidate’s Evaluative File with sufficient time for the candidate to review them and submit a letter of dissent, if they wish.

Peer evaluators are encouraged to provide written comments to expand upon the ratings requested on the questionnaire.

Faculty members are encouraged to supplement the survey responses with letters from other faculty members who can address their contributions to particular committees or projects. 

V. Year-End Report
All College faculty, near the end of each academic year, shall submit a list of academic accomplishments and activities that address the items in policies 3300 "Faculty Responsibilites"3310 "Academic Service", and 3320 "Professional Development regarding teaching, service, and professional development. The Report goes to the Division Chair and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The faculty member’s Evaluative File shall hold the Vice President for Academic Affairs copy.

The Rank and Tenure Committee strongly urges faculty to submit a reflective report rather than just a list. This yearly reflection will greatly assist faculty members in writing their self-evaluations for interim review, tenure, or promotion. Additionally, it provides faculty members with a regular opportunity to consider ways to improve their teaching, strengthen their service, and add to their professional growth.

Revised & Adopted 04/10/2017