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2140 Board Policy Development

The Board of Trustees shall have full authority to create, revise, adopt, or revoke policy. 

Policies may be revised, amended, or revoked and new policies adopted by the Board of Trustees at any regular or special meeting of the Board. Policy revisions, adoptions, and revocations become effective on the date of the Board of Trustees meeting at which they are approved unless otherwise specified. All policy changes approved by the Board shall be communicated electronically to College employees.

The College President shall ensure a shared governance process for policy development.


Departments, divisions, standing committees, constituent groups within the College, or the Board of Trustees may propose new policy language, propose revisions to existing policy language, or recommend revocation of existing policy language. Each policy proposal, including those initiated by the Board, shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary for the President and Board of Trustees using the Policy Proposal Form. The Policy Proposal Form shall include a draft of policy language, a rationale, a list of stakeholders, and resource requirements. All proposals for new policy and all changes to existing policy shall be subject to the following policy review process:

Policy Review Process

The Policy Review Committee (PRC) shall consist of the following members:

the Human Resources Director, who shall serve as facilitator,
2 Classified Staff representatives, including the Classified Staff President,
2 Professional Staff representatives, including the Professional Staff President,
2 Faculty representatives, including the Faculty Organization President,
a Vice President, appointed by the College President, and
the College Compliance Officer (currently held by the Vice President of Administrative Services & Finance).

Annually, the Human Resources Director shall ask for representatives from each constituency group to serve on PRC. The PRC shall review submitted policy proposals and develop recommendations. As part of its process, the PRC may request additional information, suggest amendments, consult with constituencies, and seek guidance from the College President in an attempt to develop consensus where possible. The PRC shall develop collaboratively recommendations and a summary statement. The PRC Facilitator shall submit the recommendations and summary statement, including supporting and dissenting views if any. The recommendations and summary statement shall be submitted to the College President within 60 business days of receipt of the proposal by the Committee.

Policy proposals and PRC summary statements shall be reviewed by the College President and College Council. The College President shall submit the Policy proposals, PRC summary statements and a Presidential recommendation to the Board Policy and Student Success Committee for review and discussion at their next scheduled meeting.

This review procedure shall not restrain the authority of the Board of Trustees to enact, revise, or remove policy at any meeting of the Board.


Amendments (BOT Rules & Regulations): July 2004
Amended 01/2007
Amended 09/2007
Amended 07/2009
Amended 05/2014
Amended 08/2014
Amended 04/13/2015
Amended 04/10/2017
Amended 05/08/2017
Employment Handbook Revisions Section 2 & 3: Revised & Adopted 04/14/2009
Revised & Adopted 11/09/2015
Revised & Adopted 04/09/2018
Revised & Adopted 09/14/2020
Revised & Adopted 01/11/2021